Soal HOTS Bahasa Inggris Part 23 - Structure and Writing Expression Bagian 3
Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Part 23: Structure and Written Expression Bagian 3
Hai kalian! Selamat datang di lanjutan Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Part 23, khususnya pada materi Structure and Written Expression Bagian 3. Artikel ini sangat cocok untuk kalian yang sedang mempersiapkan diri menghadapi berbagai tes kemampuan bahasa Inggris seperti tes kedinasan, tes kerja BUMN, TOEFL, IELTS, serta tes bahasa Inggris lainnya. Melanjutkan pembahasan pada bagian 1 dan 2, kali ini kita akan membahas soal-soal HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) yang menantang dan membantu meningkatkan pemahaman grammar serta kemampuan menulis bahasa Inggris kalian.
Jangan lewatkan pula latihan soal sebelumnyauntuk memastikan kalian menguasai seluruh materi secara mendalam. Selain itu, di situs kami terdapat berbagai latihan soal lain dengan materi grammar, reading, listening, hingga tips dan trik menghadapi tes kemampuan bahasa Inggris. Kalian juga bisa mencoba latihan soal TOEFL, IELTS, atau tes kerja lainnya yang telah kami sajikan secara lengkap.
Yuk, siapkan diri kalian untuk menghadapi tes bahasa Inggris dengan percaya diri! Selanjutnya, kita akan langsung masuk ke soal-soal bagian 3 ini. Pastikan kalian membaca dengan teliti dan mencoba menjawab setiap soal sebelum melihat pembahasan.
1. Rarely ______ such a captivating performance by a first-time actor.
- a. we witness
- b. do we witness
- c. we witnessed
- d. have we witness
2. The scientist claimed that the discovery ______ significant changes in medical practices.
- a. had led to
- b. leads to
- c. will lead to
- d. is leading to
3. The longer the delay, the more difficult it ______ to complete the project on time.
- a. is
- b. will be
- c. has been
- d. being
4. By the time the flight landed, the passengers ______ for over six hours.
- a. had waited
- b. have waited
- c. wait
- d. were waiting
5. The company’s new policy, if ______, could save significant operational costs.
- a. implemented
- b. implementing
- c. implements
- d. was implemented
6. Not only ______ the report incomplete, but it also contained factual errors.
- a. is
- b. was
- c. were
- d. has
7. The professor had the students ______ their essays before the deadline.
- a. submit
- b. to submit
- c. submitted
- d. submitting
8. The painting, along with its frame, ______ worth over a million dollars.
- a. is
- b. are
- c. were
- d. being
9. The instructions clearly state that the device ______ unplugged before cleaning.
- a. should be
- b. is
- c. was
- d. had been
10. Scarcely ______ the conference room when the manager called for an urgent meeting.
- a. had they entered
- b. they had entered
- c. did they enter
- d. were they entering
Part Sebelum : Latihan soal part 22
Part Setelah : Latihan soal part 24