Active and Passive Voice Future Perfect Continuous Tense - don-english
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Active and Passive Voice Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Active and Passive Voice Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif Dalam Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Don-english: Penggunaan Active and Passive Voice Dalam Future Perfect Continuous Tense

    Dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris, memahami berbagai bentuk tense adalah hal yang sangat penting. Tenses tidak hanya membantu kita mengkomunikasikan waktu terjadinya suatu peristiwa, tetapi juga menyampaikan nuansa dan makna yang lebih dalam dalam sebuah kalimat. Salah satu tense yang sering menimbulkan kebingungan adalah Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

    Future Perfect Continuous Tense adalah bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan suatu tindakan yang akan sudah berlangsung selama periode waktu tertentu pada titik waktu tertentu di masa depan. Tense ini sangat berguna untuk menekankan durasi suatu aktivitas pada masa depan sebelum suatu peristiwa lain terjadi.

    Namun, tidak hanya penting untuk memahami kapan dan bagaimana menggunakan Future Perfect Continuous Tense, tetapi juga penting untuk memahami perbedaan antara penggunaannya dalam active voice dan passive voice. Active voice digunakan ketika subjek melakukan tindakan, sementara passive voice digunakan ketika fokusnya adalah pada tindakan itu sendiri, bukan pada siapa yang melakukannya.

    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang perbedaan dan penggunaan Future Perfect Continuous Tense dalam active dan passive voice. Dengan memahami konsep ini, Anda akan dapat membuat kalimat yang lebih tepat dan bervariasi, yang tidak hanya meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa Inggris Anda tetapi juga memperkaya komunikasi Anda dalam berbagai konteks.

    Mari kita mulai dengan memahami definisi dan struktur dasar dari Future Perfect Continuous Tense, sebelum kita masuk ke dalam perbedaan dan penggunaan kedua voice tersebut.

I. Definisi Future Perfect Continuous Tense

    Bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu tindakan akan telah berlangsung selama periode waktu tertentu pada titik waktu tertentu di masa depan. Tense ini sering digunakan untuk menekankan durasi suatu aktivitas yang akan sedang berlangsung pada suatu titik waktu di masa depan.

Struktur Umum Kalimat dalam Future Perfect Continuous Tense
  • Affirmative: Subject + will have been + present participle (verb+ing)
  • Negative: Subject + will not have been + present participle (verb+ing)
  • Interrogative: Will + subject + have been + present participle (verb+ing)?
Contoh kalimat:
  • Affirmative: "By next year, she will have been working here for ten years."
  • Negative: "By the time you arrive, they will not have been waiting for long."
  • Interrogative: "Will you have been living here for three years by next month?"

II. Penggunaan Future Perfect Continuous Tense

  1. Untuk menunjukkan durasi suatu tindakan yang akan sedang berlangsung hingga titik waktu tertentu di masa depan.
  2. Untuk menekankan lamanya waktu suatu tindakan berlangsung di masa depan.
Contoh situasi dan kalimat:
  1. Situasi: Menjelaskan durasi pekerjaan yang sedang berlangsung di masa depan.
  2. Kalimat: "By December, I will have been studying for my exams for six months."

III. Perbedaan Active dan Passive Voice

1. Definisi Active Voice dan Passive Voice
  • Active Voice: Kalimat di mana subjek melakukan tindakan. Contoh: "She writes a letter."
  • Passive Voice: Kalimat di mana fokusnya adalah pada tindakan atau objek tindakan, bukan pada siapa yang melakukan tindakan. Contoh: "A letter is written by her."
2. Future Perfect Continuous Tense dalam Active Voice
  • Struktur dan Contoh Penggunaan dalam Active Voice
3. Struktur kalimat dalam active voice untuk Future Perfect Continuous Tense:
  • Subject + will have been + present participle (verb+ing)
Contoh kalimat:
  • "By 2025, she will have been teaching at the university for 20 years."
  • "They will have been working on the project for six months by the end of this year."

IV. Future Perfect Continuous Tense dalam Passive Voice

    Pembentukan passive voice dalam Future Perfect Continuous Tense tidak umum dan jarang digunakan karena kompleksitas dan kurangnya kebutuhan dalam komunikasi sehari-hari. Namun, untuk pemahaman:

Passive voice tense ini dibentuk dengan: 
  • Object + will have been + being + past participle
Contoh kalimat:
  • "The project will have been being worked on for six months by the end of this year."
  • "The book will have been being written by the author for over a year by the time it is published."

V. Contoh Kalimat Akif dan Pasif Dalam Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Kalimat Positif
  • "The project will have been being developed for two years by the end of next month."
  • "The house will have been being built for a decade by the time it is finished."
  • "The bridge will have been being constructed for five years by the time it's completed."
Kalimat Negatif
  • "The project will not have been being worked on for long by next month."
  • "The new policy will not have been being implemented for a full year by the end of this quarter."
  • "The software will not have been being tested extensively by the time it's released."
Kalimat Tanya
  • "Will the project have been being worked on for two years by the time we review it?"
  • "Will the building have been being constructed for five years by the time it's completed?"
  • "Will the report have been being written for six months by the end of this year?"
  • "Will the new system have been being developed for over a year by next January?"

VI. Latihan Soal dan Jawaban

1. By next year, the new bridge ____________ for three years.
A) will have been being constructed
B) will have been being construct
C) will have been being constructs
D) will have been being construction

2. By the end of this month, the report ____________ for six weeks.
A) will have been being written
B) will have been being write
C) will have been being writes
D) will have been being writing

3. Will the project ____________ for five years by the time it is completed?
A) have been being worked on
B) have been being work on
C) have been being works on
D) have been being working on

4. The software ____________ for several months by the time it is released.
A) will have been being tested
B) will have been being tests
C) will have been being test
D) will have been being testing

5. By the end of this year, the new system ____________ for over a year.
A) will have been being developed
B) will have been being develops
C) will have been being develop
D) will have been being developing

  • A) will have been being constructed
  • A) will have been being written
  • A) have been being worked on
  • A) will have been being tested
  • A) will have been being developed


    Dalam artikel ini, kita telah membahas definisi, penggunaan, dan perbedaan Future Perfect Continuous Tense dalam active dan passive voice. Memahami dan menguasai tense ini penting untuk memperkaya kemampuan berbahasa Inggris Anda dan membantu dalam menyampaikan pesan dengan lebih tepat dan efektif.
Syahrul R
Syahrul R bachelor degree